

1984 (original title: Nineteen Eighty-Four) is a dystopian novel written by George Orwell (actually Eric Arthur Blair) and published in 1949. In what is probably the best-known dystopian novel, a totalitarian surveillance state is described in the year 1984.


Anime is a form of animation art that originated in Japan but now has a large fan base worldwide. Anime is characterised by diverse drawing styles, complex plots and profound character developments that often go far beyond traditional Western cartoons in terms of themes and emotions. The range of genres and themes is enormous and extends from magical worlds and futuristic scenarios to everyday stories and historical dramas.


Architecture of the future opens up a broad field of utopian and dystopian visions in which buildings and urban environments are more than just places to live and work. Rather, they reflect social values, technological advances and ecological challenges. In futuristic scenarios, architecture can be adaptive and sustainable, equipped with technologies for energy efficiency and materials that minimise the ecological footprint.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the field of computer science that deals with the creation of computer systems that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence.


The term "conspiracy" refers to the secret co-operation of individuals or groups with the aim of gaining power, influencing political decisions or concealing information.


Cyberpunk, aus Cyber (von altgr.: κυβερνάω „steuern, lenken“) und Punk, ist ein dystopischeaSubgenre der Science-Fiction-Literatur, die in den 1980er Jahren aufkam. Der Begriff wurde ursprünglich von Gardner Dozois geprägt, um die Werke von William Gibson (speziell Neuromancer), dem Erfinder des Begriffes "Cyberspace" zu benennen.


The term "cyberspace" refers to the virtual environment of digital networks in which users interact and communicate via the internet. Originally coined by William Gibson in his science fiction novel "Neuromancer", cyberspace has evolved into a real concept that encompasses the entire spectrum of networked digital technologies. This includes not only the internet, but also all the platforms, social media, online games and databases that permeate the modern world.


Design encompasses the creative and systematic planning and design of products, environments, visual communication tools and experiences. It plays a crucial role in almost all aspects of daily life, from the functionality and aesthetics of everyday objects to the user-friendliness of software and the structuring of our physical and digital environments. Good design not only improves the user experience, but can also help solve complex problems by providing innovative approaches to sustainability, accessibility and social inclusion.


Dystopia (Greek dys > bad and tópos > place, location) is the antagonist or counter-design to the positive utopia. Dystopian fictions and stories in literature and film also end in a negative way. A happy ending contradicts the dystopia, although there are also dystopian stories with a happy ending, often as an admission to the Hollywood business. The dystopia creates a pessimistic future scenario of a society that develops in a negative direction, and thus represents the antithesis of Thomas More's Utopia. Dystopias can often be read as warnings against negative developments in an educational sense, so to speak.

Elon Musk

Elon Musk, born in South Africa in 1971, is one of the most colourful and polarising figures in the global technology and business world. Known as the founder and CEO of companies such as Tesla, Inc. and SpaceX, Musk plays a central role in the development of electric cars, renewable energy and commercial space travel. His commitment and vision in these areas have made him a symbol of innovation and entrepreneurial progress.

End of the world

The term "end of the world" describes the hypothetical destruction or complete end of the world, often through catastrophic events. This concept is deeply rooted in many cultures, religions and literary traditions and reflects universal fears and philosophical questions about the end of humanity and the planet.


Evolution is the process of change and adaptation of living organisms over generations, driven by natural selection, genetic drift, mutations and gene flow. These biological mechanisms explain the diversity of life on Earth and how species evolve over time to adapt to their environment. Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace were the pioneers who popularised the theory of natural selection in the 19th century, which states that individuals with traits that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce, making these traits more common in the population.


Games, also known as video games in German, are interactive media that immerse participants in virtual worlds where they can overcome challenges, experience stories and socialise with other players. They combine elements of art, music, storytelling and technology to create immersive experiences that are both entertaining and often educational. Games have become a central part of global culture and economy, influencing not only leisure activities, but also education, social interaction and even political processes.


Google, founded in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, began as a search engine and has grown into one of the most powerful technology companies in the world. With products and services ranging from online search, advertising services, operating systems and hardware to advanced projects in areas such as artificial intelligence and autonomous driving, Google plays a central role in the digital age. Its influence extends to almost all aspects of daily life and the global economy.


Health is a fundamental aspect of human well-being and is defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity". This broad understanding emphasises that true health is more than the absence of disease; it also encompasses an individual's ability to lead a fulfilling and productive life and to adapt effectively to the challenges of their environment.


Kunst ist eine facettenreiche Ausdrucksform, die sowohl individuelle als auch kollektive menschliche Erfahrungen und Emotionen durch verschiedenste Medien wie Malerei, Skulptur, Musik, Literatur und Performance darstellt. Kunstwerke können ästhetisch, politisch, sozialkritisch oder rein persönlich sein und dienen oft als Mittel zur Kommunikation von Ideen und Gefühlen, die anders schwer vermittelbar sind. Durch die Schaffung von Kunst werden kulturelle Werte, Identitäten und historische Ereignisse sowohl gefeiert als auch hinterfragt.


Magic refers to a variety of practices and belief systems based on the assumption that supernatural forces or hidden laws of nature can be manipulated to achieve specific effects. These practices, found in numerous cultures and throughout the ages, often combine rituals, symbols, incantations and mystical objects to exert influence on the natural world or human society. Magic is deeply rooted in human history and forms an integral part of many religious and spiritual traditions.


A pandemic is the spread of a disease in humans across countries and continents, in the narrower sense the spread of an infectious disease. In contrast to an epidemic, a pandemic is therefore not localised. Even in pandemics, there may be areas that are not affected by the disease.

Pop culture

Pop culture, short for popular culture, refers to the totality of cultural products and practices that are widespread and generally accessible in a society. This includes music, films, television programmes, fashion, social media and other forms of entertainment media that reflect the spirit of the times and are largely disseminated by mass media. Pop culture is a dynamic field that is constantly being shaped by innovations in technology and changes in social structures. It not only reflects social values and norms, but also actively influences them.


The art of persuasion and manipulation Propaganda refers to the systematic dissemination of information, ideas or rumours specifically designed to influence public opinion or behaviour. Often used by governments, organisations or powerful groups, propaganda aims to promote particular political agendas or ideologies, often using a selective or manipulative presentation of the facts. It plays a central role in modern mass communication and can be found in both authoritarian and democratic societies.


Once just a futuristic fantasy, today an integral part of our everyday lives and a tireless player in the factories, fields and even living rooms of the modern world. The development of robotics is an engineering odyssey, peppered with ground-breaking successes and spectacular failures, that has taken us from science fiction to science fact.

Science Fiction

Science fiction, or sci-fi for short, is a genre of speculative fiction defined by the infusion of scientific and technological innovation into the fabric of narrative storytelling. It explores hypothetical futures based on the extrapolative possibilities (and sometimes impossibilities) offered by science.


Secrets play an essential role in human communication and interaction. They include information that is intentionally kept hidden, whether for personal, business or security reasons. Secrets can be individual, such as personal experiences or thoughts, or they can exist on larger levels, such as government secrets or corporate secrets that protect critical information from competitors.


Outer space, also known as the universe, is the almost limitless, vast region that encompasses all celestial bodies, including the Earth. It is a place of unimaginable vastness that includes stars, planets, galaxies and the dark expanses of interstellar space. Space is not only the final frontier of human exploration, but also an inexhaustible field for scientific investigation and discovery.


Survival refers to survival in extreme conditions or in an environment that is largely removed from the familiar structures of civilisation. This can refer to situations where people are put to the test by natural disasters, accidents or in remote areas without access to modern conveniences. Survival encompasses a range of skills and knowledge, such as finding food and water, building shelter, first aid and wilderness navigation.


Transhumanismus ist eine philosophische und kulturelle Bewegung, die darauf abzielt, die menschliche Kondition durch den Einsatz fortgeschrittener Technologien zu verbessern. Dies umfasst die Erweiterung der menschlichen Fähigkeiten durch Methoden wie Genetik, künstliche Intelligenz, Nanotechnologie und andere biotechnologische Verfahren. Der Transhumanismus geht davon aus, dass wir nicht nur das Recht, sondern möglicherweise die Pflicht haben, uns selbst als Spezies über die aktuellen biologischen und psychologischen Grenzen hinaus zu entwickeln.


Utopia refers to an ideal world or society that is free from the problems and conflicts that often plague our real communities. The term originates from Sir Thomas More, who coined it in his work of the same name from 1516. In literature and philosophy, utopias are often conceived as constructive criticism of existing social conditions and serve as a means of reflecting on ways to improve human existence.

Virtual Reality (VR)

Virtual reality (VR) is a technology that allows users to immerse themselves in a completely computer-generated environment that simulates reality or creates entirely new worlds. With the help of VR headsets that enclose the eyes and ears, as well as often haptic feedback systems, users can immerse themselves visually, audibly and sometimes tactilely in a digital world that ranges from simple interactive scenarios to complex, multidimensional universes.


War is an organised and often protracted conflict that takes place between states, nations, governments or social groups. War is typically waged with armed force and aggressive strategies to achieve political, territorial or ideological goals. The history of mankind is riddled with wars, from ancient battles to modern conflicts, and they have a profound impact on the societies involved, including massive human, economic and environmental losses.


Weapons are instruments or devices designed to inflict harm or kill, and they have played a central role in conflict and hunting since the early history of mankind. Weapons range from simple hand tools and projectiles to complex machines such as firearms, tanks and intercontinental ballistic missiles. Modern weapons development also includes non-lethal options such as stun guns and tear gas, which are used in law enforcement and public safety situations.