Gain-of-function research and the pandemic pendulum movement
Viral dialectics
The quiet revolutionary from Braun
Dieter Rams
Vinyl, film rolls and Polaroids in the digital era
The comeback of the analogue
The Schrödinger cat in the world of bits and qubits
Quantum computer
"The Windup Girl" by Paolo Bacigalupi
Biotechnology and dystopia
Pavlov's dogs on social media
Suburban hell
The Stepford Wives
Virtual worlds in disintegrating realities
Between pixels and ruins
Vending machine cult
Feedback as the spook of modernity
Endless in the echo
The world of genetics companies
Gene scissors and money machines
A cyberpunk manifesto
“Snow Crash” by Neal Stephenson
The panopticon of the digital era
“The Circle” by Dave Eggers
A clash of cultures, concepts and consoles
Street Fighter
The Schrödinger-Yin-Yang
Quantum physics and Eastern mysticism