"The Windup Girl" by Paolo Bacigalupi
Biotechnology and dystopia
Aldous Huxley's vision of an optimised society
Brave New World
Cultural amnesia
Fahrenheit 451
Suburban hell
The Stepford Wives
Water...please water!
The dystopian drought
Literary and cinematic shadow figures
Archetypes and allegories
Evil robot cult film
“Hardware” by Richard Stanley
Environmental disasters
Dystopia’s midwife
Virtual worlds in disintegrating realities
Between pixels and ruins
Vending machine cult
Classic horrors on an interstellar journey
In the shadow of the stars
Feedback as the spook of modernity
Endless in the echo
A satire on the excesses of the surveillance society
“Blind Faith” by Ben Elton
A cyberpunk manifesto
“Snow Crash” by Neal Stephenson
The panopticon of the digital era
“The Circle” by Dave Eggers