From dystopian visions to cultural icons
Planet of the Apes
A ray of colour and meaning in the graphic design of the 70s
The prism
Rocket magician on the edge of reality
Jack Parsons
from stereo to existence
The cinematic anatomy of David Cronenberg
J.G. Ballard's dystopian vision of vertical social orders
Headaches and false awakenings
The phantom pain of the mind
The most dangerous film monsters and their casualty figures
Top monster
From archaic curse to postmodern paranoia
The evil eye
Top list
The 15 best cyberpunk films
Hypermasculinity trifunctional in the interstellar love war
Warrior Lover novels
Insights through social media
Behavioural experiments in the digital era
The evolution of orthopaedic spare parts and the pursuit of the transhuman
From Frankenstein to RoboCop
The future as it once was
Space-age design
A multidisciplinary approach
What is intelligence?
Between myth and concrete
Subterranean worlds